Electrolysis 30
From £44
Service Description
Electrolysis uses a Diathermy AC current (heat) to cauterise the capillary feeding the hair. This is achieved by inserting a very fine probe down into the hair follicle and distributing a small amount of current to the base of the follicle causing cell destruction and a small amount of scar tissues to build up within the skin meaning the hair can no longer grow back. The treatment is safe and effective and has been around for hundreds of years, Electrolysis is still to this day the only method of hair removal that can claim to be 100% permanent How long will it take to remove my unwanted hair? How long is a piece of string? Each person’s hair growth patterns vary and depending on the area to be treated and the cause of the growth this can vary considerably from person to person. We usually work on small areas like the lip or chin for around 15-30 minutes at a time although longer can be booked if necessary. This all depends on the skin reaction throughout treatment, your pain threshold and the speed in which we are able to work. The healing process between treatments and the affordability element of each client. We will go through a thorough consultation during your first appointment and discuss a treatment plan that suits you. How often can I have appointments? You can have an appointment as often as every 4 days as long as your skin is healing well between treatments. These will be spread out further as the hairs start to diminish and they are coming through less frequently. Initially it is best to have appointments more regularly so we can reduce the amount of hair growth as quickly as possible. Once the hairs have been treated will they be gone completely? Not after one treatment. There are 3 different stages of hair growth: Anagen, Catagen and Telogen. The hairs need to be treated in the Anagen stage to be successfully treated which is when the hair has its own direct blood supply and can be cut off direct at its source of nutrients. The other two phases are the resting phase and the transitional phase neither of which have their own blood supply. There is no way of telling what stage of growth each hair is at but a good indication a was in the fully-grown stage is if it has a good-sized bulb attached to it and it has an inner root sheath. This is why a number of treatments are recommended to ensure the hairs are all caught at the Anagen stage at some point throughout treatment.