Milla Removal
Service Description
Lying very superficially under the epidermis milia present themselves as small white lipid-epithelium plugs which contain lamellated keratin deposits and often show as hard, solid lumps lying in the superficial papillary dermis. They are a retention of keratin and sebaceous material within the pilosebaceous duct, eccrine sweat duct, or the sebaceous collar surrounding vellus hair. Their exact cause is unknown although they are often related to diet with a high cholesterol count, excessive Vitamin C, too rich moisturising cream and are also associated with dry skin which can be acidic. They can all be treated easily with advanced electrolysis techniques using diathermy (AC) which gently dries them up so that the hard keratinised centre is broken down and this will then be absorbed by the skin following treatment. This is a much gentler way to treat them, as opposed to removing them with a microlance, which can damage the skin. Milia can appear between the eyelashes, on the eyelid itself, the cheek area or anywhere on the face or neck where dry skin is present. They tend to grow in size, become harder (as the contents keratinize) and then become noticeable to the eye and cosmetically unattractive. Some people may only suffer one and others exhibit a proliferation of up to 40 – 60 of them at any one time. Please get in touch and email photos to prior to booking an appointment. Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment